Friday, July 30, 2010

shabbat shalom wa mozel tov

This is my very last post from Israel, I leave tonight for the airport and will soon be on my way home. This last week has been a lot of cleaning up an and packing, wednesday Michelle nd I spent all day in the office doing registration and boxing and cataloguing everything and going crazy, but it was fun working with Silvie the one in charge of all that. The rest of the time we just hung out and finished some paperwork then had a pizza party (pizza, an amazing invention, i haven't had it in 6 weeks, it was wonderful, even if it was kosher). And i did actually go in the pool for about 5 minutes, the first time this whole month, ehh, it happens. We came into Jersualem this morning, and were able to spend some time in the Israel museum, that was cool, especially since it's been closed for about five years for renovationa dn just opened monday, so we were just able. As far as pottery goes, it didn't have too good of a collection, but it did have a a general sweep of lots of diffrernt things, and it was pretty cool seeing things in person that i've read and heard about like the aleppo codex and sennacherib prism an stele from ekron. I had my last 6 shekel falafel, it was as always delicious, i added some more spicy stuff and was even better even if my mought was burning like crazy.
It is definitely a hard day today, i am ready to come home and see everyone and have a small break, but it is so hard to leave, i could stay here forever and never be bored. This land is absoplutely incredible, it has captured me. The sounds and smells, the history, even the crazy storekeepers trying to marry you, it's great. There are so many ties that pull me, It may not be the same place it was when Christ walked the streets, but you definitely feel a type of sacredness to this land and a connection that doesn't come in many other places. Eric and I were walking around the old city and he remarked how great it is when you realize that transition you've had going from tourist walking around and not knowing what's going on around you, to totally feeling at home and knowing where you're going and how to get there and the way to fit in (as much as you can when you're a blonde haired, tall american young girl). Shalom from Jerusalem, I will see you soon.

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