Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rockets Red Glare, Bombs Bursting in Air...

Probably not funny for you guys, but it has been going through our heads...
Talk about crazy, this has been an absolutely random week, I don't even know the word for it, week. I can't believe it's only been about a week since it all started. For one thing, I have never been more thankful for warfare defense technology. You should watch the videos of the iron dome knocking stuff out of the air, it's awesome. Also, thank you for paying taxes, your tax dollars are going into keeping us safe, i appreciate it.
First of all, I am just fine. Everything is good here and as a general dig, not worried. We have had a bit of excitement since last monday night when the first bomb siren went off. We've had on average about two a day, one int he late afternoon, one at nighttime. And really they've just become so annoying. To have to get up from where you are and go to the shelter and and stand there and wait. Although it is fun to jump behind ancient bronze age fortifications to protect us from modern day barrage, and with a perfect view of the sky to see the blasts.
So, backing up, I don't know how much you've heard, and how much of the truth you've actually heard, because I've heard it's going pretty crazy there. Don't believe like 90% of the news. So it all started with the kidnapped and killed 3 Israeli boys, then the killed Palestinian boy in Shuafat, then some riots and protests, then Hamas decided to shoot some crappy shrapnel rockets they can't aim with. Then Israel brought out the Iron Dome, and we get awesome firework shows.
Really nothing has come too near us. the Iron Dome triangulates the rockets path in seconds and then issues the alarm for the area within a very large radius. So that very first alarm that went off last morning was a little unnerving in those first few seconds, i was definitely glad i knew basically what was going on as we tried rushing everyone into the shelter (they had only mentioned the siren plan to the staff as on off chance precaution a few days before). So there were definitely some worried and scared people. At the end of the week we lost about 30 people of our group in a hasty choice to leave. Though honestly once things settled in, it has just become a regularity and we go on doing our thing. Sometimes our nightly activity is sitting on the back lawn and watching the Iron Dome shoot up missiles to knock out rockets, it is a pretty awesome sight. We've seen about 10-12 tonight, one activity is counting from the flare to the sound of the boom to see how far it is. Every boom- another point for Israel, go team.
And yes it is serious, and very sad, especially for those who have suffered from it (it has mostly been the people in Gaza, many times from their own side making mistakes and misfiring their rockets, or dropping them in the wrong place). And we wish very much for it to stop. But it's one of those things that you either sit in a corner and be scared over something you can't control, or make jokes and live life and dig. Really the worst part for us was the first two days, Tue and Wed, when someone from the Homefront desk and mis-relayed information and we were stuck on the kibbutz with basically nothing to do, we were left with making up workshops- it felt like summer camp, and we lost two precious days on the tell. That was so annoying, darn Hamas. Luckily we got the real information and were able to go up Thurs and since and get back to being super busy (i will talk about dig life sometime later).
It has stayed about the same since, there was supposed to be a cease fire last night, but it didn't last very long. So, now worse, no better and we just keep waiting to hear if there is any new news. And honestly I haven't been worried or scared, we're aware of the situation, and smart about it, and will stay safe. I have felt the spirit this last week, many times at night, pretty much waking me up about a second before the siren goes off, so I'm ready to jump up and get out. I am grateful for that protection I know I have. Prayers are for Israel and the people of Gaza who are caught in this and that hearts will be softened. Thanks for all of your prays and concern.
I will try to put up some pics tomorrow-ish so my post will actually be interesting. Good night.

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