Saturday, July 5, 2014

Trails, Dirt, and Weeds

Yes I am back at the dig, and it is great! And super hard work. But I love it. This week we were trailblazers, gardeners, and diggers. And all with only our staff of 7 people (we did get one volunteer by the last 2 days finally). Our area got the worst of the very wet winter- tall, prickly weeds covering the site and all around it, before we could even get to the site we had to wack away paths through the dense forest. And then we had to battle the weeds just to make a clean enough area to put up shades. Monday was a very hot day, especially with no cover. Finally by day two we had engineered and put up shades in both the upper and lower sections of area F.
Photo: Area F Update from Tell es-Safi/Gath 2014

Week 1 (June 30 - July 4) essentially a staff week, eight of us working to cut down a forest of thorns, erect shade, take off geotech cloth, and rehab the squares to be worked.  Hard work but a lot of fun.  As of Friday we were excavating in six different strata -- EB, MBII, LB, Iron I, Iron IIA, Iron IIB.  Safi Area F = The "ground zero" of stratigraphy! ;)
What it all looked like

What it took us 3 days to look like in lower

Being so few in number was a little difficult as far as not having enough manpower to do everything we wanted, but we did pretty well with what we had. By the end of the week we were proud of what we were able to accomplish. We were able to start doing some excavation by wed/thur depending on the square. As for me, in our squares we were still rehabiliting until thursday, but finally were able to get down in some dirt. And in the best way: with pick-axes :) I love archaeology :) I even found a vessel base, which look somewhat like a pig mask. But more exciting than that, we got down to more of our big fortification wall and more evidence of an abutting terrace wall that connects with squares being dug in the section above us (F middle, original I know). So that is pretty darn cool.
Other than that, same old, same old on the dig. It's fun to re-meet lots of the people from before. 

And yes, Kinder in Israel as well! man America is just missing out

My new israeli friend, she was super sweet, we had a going conversation between Hebrew and english (her english was much better than my hebrew). She was awesome, and she shared her food with me. And I shared my jolly ranchers with her, she loves them.

1st real Jerusalem shwarma in 3 years, so good!!!!! 

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